DURA2 Technical guarantee Sheet

Guarantee conditions are ONLY valid when your purchase is registered! Please fill in the registration form within 30 days of purchase to activate this guarantee.

patented process,
registered marque

Country of manufacture


Guarantee period

Up to 20 years

Guarantee region

Europe & UK

Timber species

Pinus sylvestris, dried & Spruce*, dried: 20 years**

Place of infestation

Sapwood section


Maximum full sapwood

Any made changes
Any changes made to the wood will invalidate the guarantee
Exclusions from guarantee

1. Damage not relating to the sapwood
2. Damage not due to rotting
3. Damage such as swelling, shrinking or cracking (natural evolution of wood)
4. Damage that is due to mould
5. Damage due to extreme weather conditions
6. Damage due to physical force
7. For posts/rails that have been relocated after their original

* if spruce is used, it can only be used above ground

**The guarantee implies a gradual refund or exchangeof the wood with complaint, depending on the production date (identifiable on the unique DURA² label). No consequential costs are entertained. This guarantee is a contract with the producers and not the supplier, any claims will be dealt with by the producer.

The guarantee is only valid for DURA²wood fitted with the original DURA²logo at the original place of attachment and after registration.

The full version of guarantee conditions is available on request or in case of any concerns regarding this guarantee, please contact your distributor.